# 一: Install Xubuntu 20.04 Desktop On Raspberry Pi 4b
# Summary
This is a small guide on how to install Xubuntu 20.04 Desktop on Raspberry Pi 4b. There might be many similar guides out there, but this one is just for me (or my friends).
# Prerequisite:
Of course, you will need a Raspberry Pi 4. You would also need a Micro SD card and maybe a card reader if your computer doesn't have one. Oh, did I mention you would need a computer? Or Internet connection?
If you got everything ready, let's begin our journey.
# Step 1: Install the Ubuntu Server on our Pi
The first step is to install Ubuntu Server on the Pi. To do that, we need to download the image. Navigates to the Official Download Page (opens new window) and download the Ubuntu Server 20.04.
64 bits works just fine for me, so I am going to download that. However, 32-bits also works.
In addition to the image file, we also need software to write to the Micro SD card. The one I like the most is called Balena Etcher (opens new window).
Please install this easy-to-use flasher. After that's done, you will see a very straightforward screen that you can flash that image file to your MicroSD card.
After that's done, you are all set with step one.
Alternatively, you can feel free to use the official Raspberry pi imager (opens new window). They have a very simple 40-second (opens new window) guide on how to use it.
# Step 2: setup our system and connect to Wi-Fi
Since our Lab's ethernet port require signning in using your Netid and password, it is often hard to using CLI only. Thus, we are going to connect to our IoT wireless network since that is easier to connect to.
# Step 3: Install Xubuntu Desktop
# Step4: remove the XFCE Screensaver